


Kairos worship is casual as we engage both contemporary and traditional forms of worship and music as we engage our inter-generational community and context. In addition, we celebrate our value of authenticity by highlighting the communal voice embodied with an emphasis on congregational singing. In other words, we hope to create an environment where songs are sung together, rather than performed apart from one another. We also hold that the Holy Spirit is active in worship through song and seek to create moments of reflection and silence within the worship gathering. In addition, we loosely follow the church calendar as a way of teaching ourselves the rhythms within the story of God. This influences our song selections, ensembles, liturgy, and the overall tone and culture of our worship.

Why We Worship at Kairos?

  1. To Gather: Together, we recognize our brokenness and the brokenness of the world. Worship proclaims our belief that God will redeem his people and heal the world.
  2. To Scatter: God does something mysterious when we join together in worship – we are transformed and then commissioned into our communities to be the light and aroma of Christ.
  3. To Engage God, Community, and a Watching World:
    • Engage God – We KNOW God accepts us fully in light of our sin. We believe coming together to engage God in worship becomes the primary agency (means of grace) by which Christ transforms us, the Church, and the world.
    • Engage Community – We LIVE in community as we sing God's words to one another in a spirit of encouragement and unity. We remind one another of the grand stroy that we individually and corporately find ourselves in.
    • Engage a Watching World – We JOIN God's work in the world by pointing others towards the light of the world, Jesus Christ, through our worship and witness. As Tim Keller writes, "We are not to simply communicate the gospel to them (the world), but celebrate the gospel before them.