September 4 Update - Provided by Walter DuPre (PNC member)
As we enter the fall, we want to provide our community with an update on Kairos’ pastoral search process. Since posting our “Ministry Information Form last March,” including a description of Kairos and the qualities we hope to find in our new lead pastor, the PNC has reviewed over 75 candidates! Over the summer, travel schedules of PNC members and candidates, as well as events beyond our control caused our process to move more slowly than anticipated. We are excited about the caliber and enthusiasm of the candidates we are meeting, however, and we have narrowed our search to several high-potential individuals. We are working diligently to ensure that each receives full consideration.
As we move into a season of decision-making, we greatly appreciate the prayers, and patience, of PNC family members, the members of the Kairos community, and all the candidates. Please continue to pray that God grants us wisdom to discern whom He is calling to lead the Kairos community in the next season of our life together.
June 15 Update - Provided by Cece Webster (PNC member)
Your Kairos PNC has been faithfully working and meeting every week to review PIF’s (Personal Information Forms, e.g., resumes), listen to sermons and talk about the over 70 candidates who have expressed interest. The candidates have come from a variety of sources: recommended through the Presbytery’s system; many who have heard about our search and seen our MIF (Please click here to access the Ministry Information Form Summary), and even more who have been recommended through the great networking of the PNC members, our community and others who care about Kairos. Keep those names coming!
We’ve had initial conversations with 18+ candidates. Two candidates were in the process of accepting another church’s call and we have 6 solid candidates with whom we are engaging in the next level of conversation over the next few weeks. We feel really positive about the process we’re using and the progress we’ve made.
We have no timeline yet for a decision, but are thankful that Pam has agreed to extend her contract until the end of the year or until we call our next Lead Pastor if that’s sooner.
We encourage everyone to continue to network and send the PNC the names of potential candidates and/or contacts – this truly has resulted in the best candidates so far. Most of all, we appreciate your prayers for the PNC's discernment and the wisdom to follow God's lead in the work we are doing on behalf of Kairos.
March 15 Update - Provided by Walter DuPre (PNC Member)
After reviewing the congregational survey that was done in November and having a series of conversations with members of the community to gain additional insights, the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) drafted the Ministry Information Form (MIF). This document provides pastoral candidates with a description of Kairos and the qualities we are seeking in our next pastor. The MIF was approved by the Leadership Team and the Greater Atlanta Presbytery and posted online on March 8. We wanted to share the narrative portions of this document with our community so that everyone can see how we have presented Kairos and the kind of person we are seeking. However, it should be remembered in reading this description that it represents the ideal candidate and there may well be no one who is a perfect match.Please click here to access the Ministry Information Form Summary We have just begun to receive expressions of interest from candidates and will be reaching out to people who may be able to suggest additional candidates. We would encourage you to reach out to your network to share this information and seek referrals. Of course, if you have someone in mind that you believe would be a good candidate for this position, please contact a member of the PNC directly or by emailing pnc@kairosatlanta.org. Please continue to keep the PNC and this search process in your prayers. February 8th Update - Provided by Clarke Coole (PNC Chair)
Kairos Family! This new year has started off for me with a lot of excitement and humility. I have the privilege of working alongside six other folks in our community as we serve together representing our church’s Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC). This group has been commissioned by our church to represent our faith community, with the primary goal of discerning who will be called to be the next Lead Pastor of Kairos Church. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you two important updates during this time of transition:
- Kairos Community Survey Results - Results from The Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT), completed in November 2022.
- PNC Status Report - Updates on the PNC process, progress to date, and the road ahead.
Kairos Community Survey Results “How many more questions are there in this survey!?!” This might have slipped out of my mouth as I was completing the Kairos Community Survey back in November. It was a very thorough probe comprised of personal questions that took real time and thought to fully complete. The good news is the time and effort to complete the survey was well worth it. The data has been very helpful in discerning where we are as a church and possibly where we’d like to go together.Please click here to read the attached two-page Executive Summary of the CAT Survey results PNC Status Report The PNC was confirmed by congregational vote this past December. We began meeting weekly starting January 1st! We have spent a significant portion of our time reflecting on the survey feedback as well as our personal time and worship at Kairos throughout the years. Our goal is to faithfully serve our present and future community’s needs by seeking to discern the will of Christ in seeking out our next lead pastor. Our Greater Atlanta Presbytery is fully supporting Kairos during this transition and assisting us as we prepare our Ministry Information Form (MIF). The MIF is the equivalent of a ‘job description’ of sorts. In it we will share such things as the vision of Kairos, the emerging needs of our community, and characteristics we seek in a new pastor. We are targeting to have our MIF completed and officially submitted to the ‘marketplace’ by March 15th to officially begin our search of candidates. We do not know how long the complete process will take, but we fully expect to begin conversations and interviewing potential candidates within weeks of our March 15th launch date. We will be reaching out to groups and individuals within our community in the coming weeks to gain a greater understanding of both the strengths and concerns identified in the survey. We also hope that you will reach out to us with your suggestions about how the Kairos community can live more fully into its vision of encouraging one another daily to follow in the way of Jesus. Your input will greatly assist us in our preparation of the MIF. You may email the Pastor Nominating Committee –PNC@kairosatlanta.org or reach out to any individual member of the PNC (information below). Thank you for making your voice heard during this important time in the life of our church.