The season of Lent begins on Wednesday, February 17. Lent is traditionally seen as a time of fasting. Christians throughout the centuries have feasted on pancakes (or their equivalent) on Shrove Tuesday (the Tuesday night before the beginning of Lent), using up their sugar, milk, and butter, before fasting until the great celebration feast of Easter. Shrove Tuesday is commonly known as Fat Tuesday.
Sign-up to join us for our Pancake Supper – in person or “to go.” We will have tables set-up in the church parking lot for dining together, or you may order your meals “to go” and pick them up to enjoy at home. (If the weather is not conducive to our gathering in the parking lot, we will provide all meals “to go.”)
Meal will include pancakes, sausage, and bacon catered by J. Christopher’s. Coffee, juice, and milk will be available.
Click here for more information and to sign-up.