Sunday Morning Bible Study
Habits of the Household
Join us for "Habits of the Household" on Sunday mornings. We're having great conversations and developing habits that help us and our children more closely live and love like Jesus. We'll meet at 9:00am on Sundays, March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. This study is geared toward families with kids in the home but is also great for grandparents and aunts/uncles; all are welcome. Watch the preview video. Care and activities, including breakfast, are available for children, infants through high school, during the study. Sign-up here. Contact Miriam ( or Jan ( for more information.

Women's Bible Studies
New Women's Bible Studies
We hope you will join us in the New Year for one of our Women's Bible Studies. Whether you are new to Bible study or desiring to grow deeper, all women are welcome.
Register here for our morning or evening group.
For more information, please contact Miriam,
Wednesday mornings, 10:00-11:30am
at Kairos Church
(Childcare available upon request)
Study topic: Brave and Beloved: A Study of Women of the Bible by Meredith Storrs
Dates: January 15, 22, 29; February 5, 12, 19 and 26
Tuesday evenings, 7:15-9:00pm
at Kairos Church
Study topic: Jesus and Women by Kristi McClelland
Dates: January 14, 28; February 11, 25; March 11, 25; April 1
Men's Bible Study
Thursday Morning Study
Join other Kairos men for prayer and Bible study. Currently, the group is studying the book of Exodus.
The group meets in the Kairos sanctuary from 7:30am - 8:30am on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month.
For more information, contact Walter DuPre at
For information regarding other Bible studies for men, please contact Joe Ryan at