Is it okay to be proud of your church? I know that humility is a character quality that Christians should strive to model, but I’d like to point out a few things and brag about our church! Did you know that that we have 118 children at Kairos with 70+ coming to church every Sunday morning? Jan has done an incredible job recruiting 64 volunteers and 9 paid caregivers who lead small groups, greet families, teach classes, and host our Sunday morning programs. Our children are led by caring adults, they are learning the story of God, and they are being exposed to the love and grace of Jesus. Did you know that we have 16 kids who are in middle or high school? Hopefully you have heard the news that we hired Matthew Straw to be the first youth pastor of Kairos Church. Matthew has 5-6 years of youth ministry experience and he is extremely excited to begin developing relationships with our students and their families. He is already busy planning experiences and programs that will engage teenagers and cultivate an excitement for encouraging students to embrace a relationship with Jesus. Did you know that Kairos financially supports several ministry organizations and individuals who are dedicated to sharing the light of Christ with the world? Beginning this fall, Kairos became a host location for 25 elementary age students from Lake Forrest Elementary who come for tutoring two days a week through Sandy Springs Mission. Fiscal year to date, we have gifted $22,000 to these ministry partners through our Equipping Fund. What we are able contribute to our ministry partners is a direct reflection of the collective generosity of our congregation. These are just a few of the many wonderful things taking place through our church. Many thanks to those who have given financially to the ministries of Kairos church. The Apostle Paul acknowledged the generosity of the church at Corinth with these words, “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.” – Acts 9:12-12 Your continued generosity is needed. If you consider Kairos your church home, but do not regularly support the ministries of our church, I encourage you to think through your personal/family finances and consider the spiritual discipline of offering a regular gift (tithe). The Lord has been generous to us, let us reflect the Lord’s generosity by becoming a generous community of faith. – Joe |