The most recent men’s Thursday morning study series highlighted the life of King Saul. Saul was a man whose fear of inadequacy led to his disobedience towards God, costing Saul God’s favor along the way. There is a lot to be learned from Saul’s life including his struggle to serve the Lord before serving his people. A struggle I think as Christians living in a broken world, we can easily relate to.
This study was the third or fourth I have attended, and each one has been equally fruitful. The study is structured such that the first few sessions are teaching based and the last session is discussion based. For me, these studies have been a rich time of studying God’s word as we dig deep into the scriptures followed by impactful discussions with other believers in our Kairos community. This unique place where we engage with other believers as we study the scriptures, to me, is a exactly the type of Christian community God desires for us to be a part of. He calls us to walk alongside each other and has created us so that we may grow and be strengthened in Him through our relationships with other believers.
The Thursday morning study series may be a small example of what Christian community is intended to look like, but it has been a powerful reminder for me of the importance of engaging with others as we study God’s word and how the Lord can work in others to strengthen my relationship with him. I look forward to attending the next series and hope you will consider joining too.
– David Izlar