
The start of a new year is an exciting time, but in our home, it is extra special as we have the opportunity to celebrate the birth of our twins (Collier & Greer). We recently celebrated their birthday and I find it hard to believe that they are 4 years old. How is that even possible! It just seems like yesterday that we brought them home from Northside hospital. Of all the many things that I remember during their first year, I still remember the huge questions that ran through my head ranging from topics of finances, work/life balance, and how was I going to be the Father and Husband the Lord called me to be.

Thankfully during this time, I was provided the opportunity to participate in a group known as Radical Mentoring. Underneath the guidance of a mentor, I could walk along side a group of men in a similar life stage as we were challenged to deepen our relationship and understanding of the Lord. Our commitment to one another was a yearlong investigation of scripture, Christian writings, and growth assignments that helped me answer many of the important life questions running through my mind. It has been three years since I completed my mentor-ship group year and it is hard to fully put into words the impact it had on my life, marriage and faith. The teachings and the mentoring continues even as I write this reflection on my experience.  My one year commitment to a group of guys has turned into several meaningful lifetime relationships.

In the next few weeks, Kairos will be launching it’s first mentoring group.  I want to strongly encourage the men in our church to prayerfully consider making the commitment to a group like this.  From my experience, it has radically impacted my marriage, my relationship with my kids and how I love and parent them, how I view my life and career, and the depth of my relationship with Christ.

– Eric

Kairos Mentoring Group for Men
Beginning in February, a mentoring group for Kairos men is being launched. This group will be comprised of two mentors and 6-8 mentees.  The group will meet together once a month for nine consecutive months, concluding in the fall. On Sunday, February 4th we will have a brief orientation following the service to introduce the mentors, share the vision for mentoring, and give specific details about the level of commitment. Spaces are limited to a maximum of eight men.  If you are interested, please contact Joe Ryan at

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