

Kairos Vision

To encourage one another daily to live and love like Jesus

Faithful Worship

Devoted Discipleship

Worship is the heartbeat of who we are as a covenantal people of God. Just as the early church gathered in awe, praising God, so we too gather to glorify God and acknowledge God’s goodness, majesty, and grace. God calls us to worship, and we respond with adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and obedience.

We believe to truly follow in the way of Jesus we are called to engage in a lifelong journey of becoming faithful disciples. Through teaching and study, we claim God's story as our own and live into the teachings of the Word as we meet the demands of life. We deepen our relationship with God through study, prayer, extravagant generosity, and meaningful fellowship.

Authentic Community

We invite all people into authentic community. We come together to love and care for one another but also with a willingness to wrestle together with vulnerability and honesty. We believe people experience real brokenness in their lives, but that God is a God of restoration who works through faithful community. We seek reconciliation in geographic, political, theological, economic, life stage, and cultural diversity because it deepens our need for Jesus and broadens our understanding of the Kingdom. In all this, we desire to care for each other as Christ has cared for us.

Intentional Mission and Service

We declare Christ will have the final word on this earth and that God is working to restore the world to one another and to God. Our call is to confidently join in the work of God, partnering with our community and the world around us, to live out the love and justice of God that scripture mandates of us. We invite others to join us, knowing that one day God's kingdom will be here in full. 

Denominational Affiliation: Kairos is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA).