As a guy that learned Luke wasn’t one of the 12 disciples while teaching 4 year old Sunday school at Kairos, it has been an honor to go from the bowels of Georgia Avenue Sunday school to serve three years on …
As a guy that learned Luke wasn’t one of the 12 disciples while teaching 4 year old Sunday school at Kairos, it has been an honor to go from the bowels of Georgia Avenue Sunday school to serve three years on …
Message from Joe Ryan on Feb 18, 2018
Dear Kairos Community, The season of Lent has never been accused of being too nuanced. After all, it is an invitation to go to the cross. Put simply, the church sees Lent as time to give up ways we hide …
Message from Drew Ditzel on Feb 11, 2018
In my quiet times with God I like to thank him for the basic necessities he provides like food, shelter, clothing and my health. To be honest though, I recently realized thanking God for these things has become rote and …
This past Sunday evening Kairos was privileged to host Made Known, a memorial service for those who have experienced infant loss through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. It may sound strange to say, but it was one of my favorite Kairos …
Some 17 miles from the Kairos Church building is a community of refugees located in the community of Clarkston. Since the 1990’s approximately 60,000 of God’s children have been resettled here fleeing political, religious and ethnic persecution. These families have …
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our church for blessing me with a plane ticket from the Equipping Fund, so that I could meet with people in Costa Rica to set the groundwork for opening a safe house there …
The start of a new year is an exciting time, but in our home, it is extra special as we have the opportunity to celebrate the birth of our twins (Collier & Greer). We recently celebrated their birthday and I …