Q: How do I sign up? Registration is open now. Please be advised that we can only bring 12 people in the van and the house can’t hold more. This event will fill quickly. We highly recommend signing up today …
Q: How do I sign up? Registration is open now. Please be advised that we can only bring 12 people in the van and the house can’t hold more. This event will fill quickly. We highly recommend signing up today …
Dear Kairos Community, In our last communication concerning how the church was navigating COVID-19, we promised to update you on our community’s plan in early June. What follows contains that plan, but it is also more than that. We believe this …
Today, we find ourselves just over halfway through the fifty-day Easter season. And while it is obviously a gift to rest and rejoice in the truth of resurrection, the Easter season is also a yearly reminder of the pressure we …
Friends, Christ is Risen! This is the good news of Easter that we joyfully proclaim together, the foundation on which we ground our faith. Christ’s victory over death has done something so dramatic in our lives, it’s as if we …
At Kairos, we have traditionally used a Sunday worship service close to Thanksgiving to invite the community to share their gratitude for the ways they have seen God at work in their lives. On Sunday, Nov 22nd, we are excited …
Friends, Christ is Risen! This is the good news of Easter that we joyfully proclaim together, the foundation on which we ground our faith. Christ’s victory over death has done something so dramatic in our lives, it’s as if we …
The post-millennial generation, often called Gen-Z, would joke by calling themselves Zoomers. Overnight we learned just how accurate this title is. I already considered myself tech-savvy, but I’ve been learning new techniques to accomplish old tasks. When I hit a …
Kairos Community, This Sunday we begin Holy Week with our Palm Sunday Service. Like the crowds who gathered when Jesus entered Jerusalem, we too shout, “Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” …
Kairos Community, Below we have provided you with a worship service outline. We encourage you to set aside 30-40 minutes on Sunday morning for a time of worship, prayer and reflection on God’s Word. This week, Drew will be preaching from …